
Today I visited the hillside community of Plesivica.

We drove 50 minutes outside of Zagreb. 

As we approached the town, our journey rose steeply uphill to my friends parent’s home. The image above gives a real sense of the place.

The air was pristine, clean and fresh, I could feel the difference in quality. While it was a chilly day, the Sun, high up made up for the chill with a complimentary contribution to the ambient atmosphere. I sat outside for most of the day and just allowed myself to be. 

My mind was relaxed, free and just at peace.

The environment is free from modern living, logs of wood, clips on a washing line. The only thing that gave a clue to modern living was a Satellite Dish on the side of the house. Apart from that life in this quaint town is a throw back to rural living and it is perfect.

We ate well, I read my book, my friend kep an eye on his lively children.

In the final analysis, there is more to Croatia than what I have written about.

I hope to experience more of it. 

For now, this is perfect.

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