Purpose Driven Photography

Today was special for a number of reasons.

Firstly, I felt like giving my Fuji Cameras a rest; instead, I used my old Nikon D7100 paired with Nikon 18-105mm 3.5-5.6.

This camera is simply wonderful, it is light, agile, 24mp and delivers wonderful Raw Files.

The 18-105mm has gotten a bad rap for being a mediocre Lens normal shipped with a beginners Camera; I got this Lens with my D90 in 2013. It’s all plastic and I feel highly functional.

My idea was to use exclusively set at 18mm. If you have followed my Journal, you will know how much I love the 18mm Frame which on my D7100 equals 27/28mm. It’s nice and Wide and yet comfortable for my natural wide vision. I applied a long strip of gaffer tape so the focal length would not change. This Lens I use only at 18mm with my Aperture set at F8 and ready to hit F11 and F22 if the subject merits it.

The purpose for my images now reflect my desire to feature the human element within the context of the scene.

The 18mm is lovely wide frame, wider than my classic frame of 35mm but not as wide as the 24mm. It’s a perfect field of view and matches how I see the world.

This subject has made realise why a zoom Lens is a great tool to learn how to use correctly. Setting the focal length for the intended subject and the correct creative Aperture to render the scene perfectly.

I use this Lens no exclusively at 18mm - it works perfectly. You could say this is my 18mm Prime Lens.

Purpose Driven Photography is all about seeing, feeling deeply this human narrative of life. My favourite Lens to document this is the Nikon 28-70mm. In DX terms that’s the 18-55mm. This mild Zoom is my natural vision.

On my Fuji X System the stunning 18-55mm F2.8-F4 is the perfect Travel Companion.

Thanks for reading

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