Seeing & Feeling

Today was all about seeing with emotion. Feeling connected to everything; life, people, my neighbourhood and allowing myself to be open to being surprised and delighted.

The contrast of these first two images were quiet revealing to me: Nature and then Art. I live next to the BBC Recording Studio. My friend Martin plays in the Orchestra. I mention my friend because I saw his bright red car parked outside.

My eye is instantly attracted to colour, primary colours. It’s a magnetic attraction that compels me to create an image.

As I approached Little Venice, the Light I noticed was flat and mixed. Overcast with the threat of rain. Nevertheless, I felt the colours popped nicely.

Observing the life of people who live on The Grand Union Canal is of great interest to me.

Not to mention observing people on my walk.

This turned out to be a good visual exercise. No agenda, just seeing and allowing life to unfold before me. I had no specific project in mind, just allowing myself to being open, receptive and responsive.

I love this way of being.

This openness is the access to being filled up with gratitude to life.

Thanks for reading.

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