Sleeping Beauty

How many times did I close my eyes and she watched over me as I slept peacefully?

She sleeps now with me as the silent watchful guardian.

My life has become profoundly empty.

The space of nothing can never be filled with anything external. I could allow myself the self indulgence of many distractions.

I choose not to go down that road because my emptiness will be right there with me, waiting to ask me a question.

Why can’t you just be with me?

This empty space is a gift.

A gift to be still and to rediscover peace.

Michael, you came from this empty space, it’s who you are.

I know this truth like the back of my hand.

I am nothing.


I represent the possibility of something very special.

For now, I choose to sit in this empty space and do nothing.

“Become totally empty
Quiet the restlessness of the mind
Only then will you witness everything unfolding from emptiness”.

Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching

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