Spot The Difference

Spot Metering.

It has taken me this long to understand it.

I can’t explain why it confused me.

The technical language behind its functionality is probably the cause of my co fusion.

Once I grasp a concept, I practice like there’s no tomorrow, just to lock it in my mind and reflexes.

As I now understand; “Spot Metering is like a laser beam that zones right into and on to a specific area to ensure that specific target receives accurate exposure. Everything else around the subject is not even considered”.

What I noticed is that the area around the target subject goes into Shadow but the target area receives the Light and good exposure. This is very interesting because shooting in Raw Mode gives me a versatile Digital Negative File which I can edit to suit my vision and taste.

I really like this because it means in exposing to protect the Highlights means I can recover my Shadow detail with confidence.

Legibility in the Shadows is the magic while preserving detail in the Highlights.

Thanks for reading

Using Format