Stories | Sunday Glory

As the golden light cast across her face I thought this would be an ideal moment to create a photo.

This is how I roll as a photographer. I seek the magic in the Light and where it falls.

My friend looks beautiful and I told her so and she loves the photo.

I saw this young boy walking along my road and it just felt odd to me. I didn’t see a single adult with him and he looked a little too young to be out on his own.

I observed him walking for a few minutes before creating this photograph. I just thought this was a story worth telling when you consider the state of the world and the crisis that we are in.

Child safety is a big deal and I’m asking myself where are his parents because there was nobody else on the road?

My friend Billy asked me to take photographs of my lunch and dinner.

These two images were created yesterday and today.

I don’t consider myself a food photographer.

It’s very inspiring to know that I can create an image of any subject I choose to point my camera at.

Billy is very happy because he runs my local café and this is where you will find me every day enjoying Breakfast and Lunch and afternoon Coffee.

Come and visit us on Shirland Road.

it’s becoming more apparent to me now that I’m documenting things that strike me as beautiful. There is a lot of ugliness in this world right now and my mind is zoning in on anything that brings me joy. These flowers brought me joy simply because of the colour and the way the light was falling on the leaves. I really love this image.

This is Joni

He is my student from Kosovo.

His father runs the Cafe.

I love Jono,he loves magic.

Stories are very important for our lives.

Stories equal memories.

Our memories I full of love.

Thanks for reading.

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