Street Vibe

What is Street Photography?

This is a deceptive question.

I have read and listened to many variations and interpretations on what this creative discipline is.

Some definitions made sense to me.

Ultimately, I decided to craft my own expression.

Here it is.

I began with a simple distinction; I create images and document life on the streets anywhere in the world.

The Context here is….The Streets.

The broader discipline is Photography.

So Street Photography is all about creating images out doors on the streets of London or Paris.

Street Photography is a rich, dynamic creative discipline.

Let’s explore this.

Street Photography for me covers:

The Environment.


Sub-Subjects: Moments, Gesture, Humour, The Aesthetic Approach, Strong Light/Dark Shadows, The Hunter/Farmer Approach, Portraits of People, Candid Moments, Culture,

It’s amazing how so many areas of interest can be factored into this creative discipline.

I hate labels; I find them restricting and my personality is expansive and inclusive.

I am a not a street photographer period.


My Subject is LIFE.

Life occurs everywhere with a glorious multitude of expressions. This to me is beautiful. I don’t limit my photographic self expression to just “the streets” any more than a Portrait Shoot in a studio with Full Lighting.

My number one goal was to learn and understand creative exposure - big thanks to my buddy and coach Bryan Peterson.

With a confident understanding of exposure, creating images on the streets of London is a fluid and joyful expression of my photographic identity.

Thanks for reading

“The urge to create, the urge to photograph, comes in part from the deep desire to live with more integrity, to live more in peace with the world, and possibly to help others to do the same”.

Wynn Bullock

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