The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with dogs

  1. A Perfect Moment

    2021-09-29 19:49:20 UTC

    This image deserves its own narrative. I was enjoying my morning Coffee watching the start of the sat come to life. I like to sit by the Window. I see the human narrative slowly coming to life. I see the resignation on faces - “bloody hell, another day”. I know…

  2. 30 Day Challenge Day 27: Dogs Life

    2021-03-08 13:29:29 UTC

    It’s interesting observing these creatures. They already know each other. They just know. There is no pretence. There is no agenda. There is shyness. Their DNA instantly knows who the other is. Fear is not an issue. It makes me feel sad for us humans because we have so much…

  3. 2020 Vision | Relationship

    2020-09-01 19:45:13 UTC

    To appreciate animals is to understand the natural order of things. I watched this man and his Dog. I could feel the love from the Dog to his owner. Their relationship was authentic. As I continued walking through my park today, I stopped and relaxed for a while and saw…

  4. Maxi And Renata

    2018-07-03 10:47:17 UTC

    This is Maxi, one of the cutest dogs in my neighbourhood. This image was created using my camera in remote control via my iPhone. This is one time when technology really impressed me. My phone and camera talking to each other like is miraculous. Anyway, last Sunday morning, I struck…

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