The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with enduring

  1. Enduring

    2022-08-09 12:34:21 UTC

    I sit quietly and just allow myself to be still in her presence. She sleeps. Drifting in and out of this strange reality called……Life. Stillness is a beautiful space to be. It allows me the opportunity to accept and be greatfull for everything. While sadness is present, I am examining…

  2. 2020 Vision | Life & Death

    2020-08-16 17:26:11 UTC

    This is what I am present to. The impermanence of it all. I am in a perpetual state of melancholy. You all know why. She is worth it. Everyday, she is worth every distressing emotion I feel when I look into her eyes. She still smiles with joy. Her passion…

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