The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with humanism

  1. Sharing Our Humanity

    2022-12-27 17:49:01 UTC

    It doesn’t take much. It’s actually very easy to connect with strangers. All it takes is a smile and a willingness to engage. Desi and Jerome were clearing up the Trees that weren’t sold. Jerome was on top of The 123 Laundrette throwing the Trees down while Desi loaded them…

  2. Humanism | The Presence of People

    2022-12-05 12:09:34 UTC

    Humanism in Photography doesn’t always need to feature people. The presence of people is everywhere even without their physical being. In fact, I find the lack of physical being very powerful; it communicates a story about something. I can feel the emotion of a lost doll, someone in a hurry…

  3. Humanism | The Expressive Being

    2022-12-04 09:31:00 UTC

    The Human Being is an expressive Being. This is our natural state. The context of a birthday celebration makes it easy for the human being to open up and express themselves. Humanism in photography is about the expression, the emotional content in the moment and the elusive gesture. I love…

  4. Humanism

    2022-11-10 15:40:00 UTC

    Humanism in Photography is all about People. Welcome to my new Project. My goal is to capture in 35mm the heart and soul of The Human Being. Allow me to rephrase that. The Human. Being. My intention is to allow my core identity of dignity, respect, compassion and humanity for…

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