The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with natural

  1. Natural Frame

    2024-02-29 20:53:02 UTC

    The 40mm Lens and field of view is coming round to be accepted as the correct optics for normal vision. The 50mm & 35mm have a long history of images that has covered 20th century events. Two Lens adored by great masters and championed as first prime optics for students.…

  2. Refined Vision | A Natural Expression

    2023-09-04 17:26:18 UTC

    40mm Photography has a very natural expression and rendering. I noticed today how little I had to interact with the scene in front of me to get the composition I wanted. An effortless rendering means the tools get out of the way; creating images becomes a fluid relationship between my…

  3. X100F - WCL | Natural Vision

    2022-05-18 19:40:50 UTC

    This is what I have been searching for. My Natural Vision. Documenting exactly what I see, nothing more or less. I fully appreciate the optical tricks that using certain Lens can achieve. Sometimes, this is required to create a sense of scale, drama, visual impact that grabs the attention of…

  4. Natural Light | Mum

    2018-10-13 14:10:32 UTC

    I create images of my Mother regularly. These are for me. My memories. Life is impermanent. I choose to celebrate with her now. As time marches on each moment captured is a celebration. A joy. Each image A reminder of love, through our family United.

  5. Life At 50 | Mum - A Moment to Cherish

    2018-09-09 16:31:12 UTC

    If nothing else, my images of Mum are moments to celebrate. Time has no bias. Time as a concept is mute. We are born…….. Only to wither and die. In between these milestones of birth and death is the creation and expression of life. My life and expression is for…

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