The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with shades

  1. MW | One of Each

    2022-05-24 15:04:17 UTC

    I really like the 28mm Field of View for this study. I can experience the full range of Colour from my balcony. The Shades of Grey Conversion creates a totally different experience. What a difference… This is the conversion after editing the RAW File as a Colour Image. This approach…

  2. Seeing in Shades of Grey

    2022-05-20 14:20:03 UTC

    One thing leads to another. How subtle is the difference between the shades of grey? Once Colour is stripped away, its easier to see. This why getting our meter readings spot is critical for a decent exposure. Look at how a light blue becomes a light grey. Love… shades of…

  3. 100F | 50 Shades of Grey

    2022-05-19 15:56:17 UTC

    In the last 24 hours, creating Black & White images has taught me a lot. Its not Black & White. Its different shades of grey - with strong Blacks at one end of the spectrum and bright Whites at the other. It’s the 50 shades of grey in between that…

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