The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with stage

  1. Humanism | All The Worlds a Stage

    2022-11-28 19:09:18 UTC

    This famous qoute by William Shakespear sums up Humanism in Photography for me. “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players;They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts” On the stage of life, we play many roles.…

  2. The Ultimate Stage

    2022-05-18 21:08:38 UTC

    An empty Stage in a Theatre is no different to the Stage of Life. Context is Decisive - it gives us a frame in which to contain our story. When the cast show up, the Stage now becomes their Platform - they can now present their Story. I am finding…

  3. X100F - WCL | Natural Vision

    2022-05-18 19:40:50 UTC

    This is what I have been searching for. My Natural Vision. Documenting exactly what I see, nothing more or less. I fully appreciate the optical tricks that using certain Lens can achieve. Sometimes, this is required to create a sense of scale, drama, visual impact that grabs the attention of…

  4. The Streets | A Canvas for Expression

    2018-09-30 21:53:12 UTC

    The expression of art can happen anywhere. What I find interesting is, the streets has now become a canvass for the expression of art and life. All the world is a stage, Shakespeare said. Our stage, the streets, is stage for everyone to express themselves. Looking over his shoulder, i…

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