The Big Question

I am not sure there is an answer to this question.

I am also thinking trying to unlock this question may be futile.

This Journal entry is me having a conversation with myself about why I am doing this - creating images everyday.

I never leave home without my Camera or Deck of Cards.

This is a given for me.

I am not a professional Photographer.

I am a passionate storyteller.

When I am out and about, I am open to life and the stories in front of me. Creating an image is a soulful impulse in my being.

I can feel the pulse of life.

The heart beat of the streets.

The expressive gesture in the moment.

All of this gets documented by me.


This is the Big Question.

Creating images has become a great gift in my life. It has provided me with an access to see deeper into this human constructive narrative we call life.

Every moment reveals a deeper story to me. I hope my images force you to stop and contemplate what’s going on here.

Every image is a self portrait.

The time I share with my mother right now is so precious. This experience reminds me that life is precious and it’s impermanence must not be taken for granted.

We just don’t know what’s around the corner.

Thank’s for reading.

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