The Classic Frame

I like to stretch my Vision.

Wide & Deep is my instinctual Frame.

For the next few days, I am spending time working The Classic Frame.

The means 35mm.

Since I use Nikon & Fuji interchangeably, this means the 35mm F2 on my D700 & the stunning XF23mm 1.4 on Fuji XT2.

The Classic Frame of 35mm from the days of Analogue Film is still the industry standard. My Nikon sensor is Full Frame which means it is the same size as the Frame on a Roll of Kodachrome or Ilford Film.

This Frame / Sensor Size when paired with a 35mm Lens is a classic fit and partnership.

There is no optical tricks.

It is a Wide Frame, pretty much how I normally see. It is Wide without the optical stretching of a classic Wide Angle Lens.

The 28mm is my normal everyday vision; the 35mm sits right at the edge of the Frame making it sheer perfection.

This is a perfect Lens for every subject. Getting close and working the scene is still required practice and discipline.

I will dedicate the rest of the week to Framing, Composing and using this 35mm Canvass.

Thanks for reading

To be continued…..

Using Format