Seeing People | The Lady in Red

It started with the Red Post Box.

Suddenly, The Lady in Red appeared out of the shadows.

This was mid afternoon.

Later, I saw this.

Another Lady in Red.

I wasn’t looking for it, life presented me with this gift.

And then, about 10 minutes after.

I was blessed with two more visions in Red.

So what is the message here?

Jay Maisel once said, “The whole world is there for you. Gifts will happen, but only if you are patient with life itself, the shooting process, and your own limitations.”

This philosophy I have embraced. I always have my Camera with me. My mind and heart is open to life and its glorious expression.

Thanks for reading ♥️

“When we are given gifts, we must be quick and able to accept them.” – Jay Maisel

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