The Moon

It was late last night when I saw the Crescent Moon from my balcony.

I had just woken up from a nap.

Without thinking, I grabbed my Camera and went out on the Balcony to create this image.

My longest focal length is 300mm - that’s using my Nikkor 28-300mm.

I am happy with this shot - it’s my hope one day soon to create a fully detailed image of The Moon surface.

Nevertheless, I find this image equally compelling and satisfying because of what The Moon represents and means to me.

The Moon has been our constant source of stability for 4.5 Billion years. Its presence in our solar system stabilises The Earth’s tilt and wobble. If the Moon suddenly disappeared, life on Earth would be seriously challenging.

So, this image and moment caught my attention last night.

I felt truly grateful because 4.5 Billions years of stability is a magical gift to life on Earth.

Is this random?

How can it be so perfect and necessary?

Whatever you choose to believe, I believe this is no accident. I believe The Moon, The Sun & The Earth represent the most prime example of a symbiotic collaboration that makes creativity possible.🙏🏽

“What was most significant about the lunar voyage was not that men set foot on the moon but that they set eye on the earth”.

Norman Cousins

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