The Passage of Time

As he entered this pocket of dappled Light, I felt compelled to create this image.

This is Bill.

I see him every day.

Hello Bill, how are you?

Ok…is his reply and off he went.

Every interaction I have reminds me my days are numbered.

How many heart beats do I, we, have left?

We just don’t know what is around the corner.

I am reminded to live with a gentle heart, because he does.

Humility, because that is his spirit.

Gratitude, because I feel we all need love and friendship.

Bill is in my life because the living force sent him to me to teach me something.

A new lesson and a reminder every day.

“Old age is not a disease - it is strength and survivorship, triumph over all kinds of vicissitudes and disappointments, trials and illnesses”

Maggie Kuhn

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