The Quest

As 2022 comes to an end, I begin to contemplate my life. Looking back is easy, its all there waiting for my critical eye to pass judgement on my triumphs and disappointments.

Why bother?

It’s done and dusted.

Can’t change anything, live with it.

My images remind me to live in the present.

The present moment equals life.

This is where it all happens; my quest is to document those moments that call to me. Moments where I feel life is being expressed, where humanism becomes a conversation about our humanity.

Humanity, Humanism and Culture all work together to reveal a deeper story about what we hold most dear.

My humanity is found in my self expression towards those I hold most dear.

I will love her for the rest of my life😢

My ongoing quest with my Camera is to honour the love I have for my mother everyday.

To seek beauty and the glory of god in all of his disguises.

“The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers”.

Erich Fromm

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