The World is My Studio

The World is a big playground for me.

The best part is, it’s free.

The best studio for my image creation.

All of my best Portrait moments have occurred far away from the constraints of being tied down to an actual premises.

I once did a photoshoot with a model - she turned up late. That pissed me off; right there, I knew I was not going to hire a studio again.

I went out into the world to meet people.

Meeting people in their natural environment gave me the freedom and flexibility that matches my spirit.

All it needs from me is to be ready and initiate contact with ANYONE I find interesting.

I don’t wait, I say Hello.

The World is open 24/7 - Portrait moments are everywhere. I feel the vibe and go for it.

Every Portrait I create is an acknowledgement of our humanity.

Every Portrait I create is in fact a self portrait of me.

I am you.

You are me.

Together, we are united as one in our shared humanity.

Thanks for reading.

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