The X100T At 50mm

The 50mm field of view is considered normal.

I hate following conventions and conforming.

I like to discover and uncover one thing……the truth.

What is Truth?

Truth is subjective, so let’s focus on my vision shall we?

My truth regarding normal field of view is in direct proportion to my muse.

End of story.

So, inside this context, I have been shooting with a Fuji Tele Converter Attached to my X100T.

The camera has become a huge set up now and it is slightly heavier compared to the normal 23mm fixed Lens.

I love It.

I have large hands, perfect for my work as a magician and even more perfect for my Nikon D7100. Yes, I shoot and love using my Nikons still.

The Fuji Cameras are really small for my size hands. I have learnt how to manage and manipulate them……just like a deck of cards.

This amazing little Camera is versatile now with the Wide & Tele Converters. Using it to create images with a 50mm field of view is just practice for me.

Knowing where to stand so that I can frame and compose to my liking.

If a nifty 50 is good for one thing, it’s for developing our eye for composing compelling images.

When I Travel, it is comforting to know that this set up can handle whatever catches my fancy.

As a portrait tool, it works fine and dandy.


It might look big and ungainly, nevertheless, it’s all about the handling and the vision.

Using Format