XF14mm: To Love A Rose

My gratitude for nature and spending time everyday in her company is time with the creative energy of the force.

My photography allows me the opportunity to be totally empty and simply allow the force energy to come to me and work through me.

I saw this Rose.

Someone had removed it from its stem and left it amongst the green leaves.

Yes, this was a perfect photo opportunity.

However, it reminded me of this qoute from Oso:

“If you love a flower, don’t pick it up. Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession.
Love is about appreciation”


The rose was removed from its stem.

The stem is the connecting rod to the source of creative force energy.

All the Rose needs is…….nourishment to sustain its beauty - Sun, Water and Appreciation.

I am present to to something.

I am reluctant now to never buy flowers again for anyone.

This is because once cut from the stem, this is the premature beginning of the end for the flower.

What can we learn from this?

My consciousness tells me to appreciate the beauty all around me, celebrate the living force in all of nature’s creations.

Water your plants, bring love and appreciation to plant life.

In my case, I create a photograph because I have been blessed to see the results of nature’s creations as the living force flows through its expression.

I too am a creative expression of the living force.

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