VC | A Story in The Frame

Visual Communication | My adventure with The Viltrox 33mm 1.4 continues.

Fuji Film have a brand new XF33mm 1.4 and the reviews are singing high praise for its performance. The Viltrox in my opinion is superb, I am delighted with it, especially on my X-Pro 1.

The 50mm field of view and my eyes feels different compared to other Lens.

The XF50 F2 is a 70mm field of view and feels very natural. I have documented about my shorted sightedness. So the 33mm is and a perfect 50mm. Nevertheless, it works and I trust myself when using it. This Lens is an outdoors Lens, room is need to navigate a scene.

That’s it for now.

The adventure continues.

I am going telephoto for the next week ahead.

Thanks for reading

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