X100 | A Magical Marvel

If the best Camera in the world is the one I have with me at any given time, then seeking the latest and greatest upgraded marvels is pointless.

Can you tell what Camera I used for this colourful display of Cars? I will save my answer for later.

It may surprise you.

How about this one below?

The X100F has not experienced a lot of love from me. I have been using my original X-T1 a lot of late. I love the first interation of these now classic Fujifilm Cameras.

My X100F is a FANTASTIC imaging tool.

At the moment, I use this Cameras for all straight out of Camera Jpegs. My Current version of Lightroom can’t read The Raw/RAF Files. So, getting a good exposure is critical, it just means my Lightroom Edits on these Jpegs just adds a little punch as you can see in the images above.

I specialise in Portraits & Street Photography and this Camera is wonderful for environmental portraits; the fixed 23mm/35mm renders perfect images.

I have come to realise something very special about photography. No matter what Camera I use, the joy I experience of every image created is not about the Camera, it’s about the Camera allowing me to hold God in the palm of my hand.

Let there be light🌞

The Light of the world illuminated all of God’s creations in full glory. For Light allows us to see and paint.

Without Light, we wouldn’t be here.

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