XPro1 | On Going Learning

I really love this old machine - it has a lot to teach me. I have recognised this because in using my other cameras, I notice subtle and huge variations I how each camera renders my images.

My XPro 1 has a very warm White Balance when set to Cloudy ⛅️ conditions. I tend to set my White Balance by using a specific Kelvin Value and my eye the minute I step out of the house.

It’s the first thing I do: Set my White Balance somewhere between 4000k to 5000k. My ISO will be based on how much clouds are in the sky.

This is how I prepare all of my Cameras.

The XPro 1 is different even with this prologue. So I decide to start shooting my images RAW on this Camera Body and editing in Lightroom to achieve the look I am after.

Even after editing, the files have a unique expression which I love.

This means shooting Raw and doing the work in my digital dark room.

I acknowledge my reticence to sitting at my computer editing - I rather be out shooting. The JPEG’s out of camera are fantastic and ready for sharing.

So be it.

The XPro 1 files deserve some love and will get it.

Thanks for reading

Using Format