Carnival 2022 | An Ode to Capa

I could have used a 70-200mm F2.8.

This Lens would have given me the same shot.

I would not have felt the same about this image.

Why Michael?

Glad you asked 🤣

I was using a wide angle 28mm focal length.

This means I had to get physical with the scene and get right in into mix and thick of the action.

I call this Immersive Image Creation.

The Nikkor 28mm F2D is my Documentary Frame.

Its slightly wider than the classic frame of 35mm - not by much, just enough to feel the slight expansion without being overly excessive. This is my visual frame - its how I see the world.

So for me, I need a subject matter as expansive as my natural vision. The Notting Hill Carnival was perfect for this epic vision.

Robert Capa was a War Photographer and his famous qoute about “getting close enough” is highly relevant to me when using the 28mm Lens.

I must get close - get amongst the action. All of my settings are dialled into my camera.


Auto Iso 100-3200

Kelvin 5000

1/250 or 500th of second shutter speed.

I am flexible with all my settings because of how I like to work the scene for creative exposure.

I preset my depth of field to around 5 metres to ensure acceptable depth of focus💥

It’s a perfect way to work when documenting an event.

With this Lens, I got close enough to feel the rhythm of the streets, the music, the vibe of the people and the expression of life.

It was very exciting and energising to create images with such and immersive context.

The energy pulled me right into the vortex.

I became fearless creating images and asking.

The women in their costumes looked stunning and beautiful.

The 28mm is an environmental optics and the Frame becomes a glorious canvass upon which to paint with light.

Thanks for reading

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