The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with getting

  1. Immersive Image Creation

    2022-09-03 20:16:23 UTC

    I am experiencing a shift in my creation of images. This features everything I have learnt over the last 9 Years. Street Photography is such a dynamic expression. It demands so much from me; the number one core skill is a fearless get the shot spirit and mind set. I…

  2. Carnival 2022 | An Ode to Capa

    2022-08-30 20:15:39 UTC

    I could have used a 70-200mm F2.8. This Lens would have given me the same shot. I would not have felt the same about this image. Why Michael? Glad you asked 🤣 I was using a wide angle 28mm focal length. This means I had to get physical with the…

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