I See, I Feel & Create

My deafness has transformed my world.

I have days where I experience a sadness unlike anything I have ever known.

On the flip side of this conversation is a story of profound joy.

The ability to see.

To rejoice.

To celebrate……..The Light.

Without Light, we would all experience Blindness.

For we need Light to experience and say I have seen.

What is that famous expression?

I have seen the light.

This image fills my heart with joy.

I am happy because I can give thanks to the Light which made it possible to have this experience of profound vision and beauty.

I can also give thanks for being competent enough to create this expression of light into this image.

Being deaf doesn’t mean one cannot listen.

Having eyes doesn’t mean you can see.

Our minds

Our hearts

Allows us to experience more of life than we can ever think possible.



& Responsiveness.

This is the access to the magic that is life. ❤️

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