Seeing People | Expression & Gesture

Expression & Gesture are two components that drive my vision.

It’s what I am open to experiencing when out with my camera.

Expression & Gesture are fuelled by emotion and energy.

Without these two elements, a scene can be bland and boring - nothing really going on.

A great moment invites a question from me; “what is going on here”?

By which time, I would have created a few frames in camera.

These two images tell me something about the people.

A Yellow Cab - I can’t ignore it.

The Aston Martin - what sort of person owns a car like this?

A Bond Fan?

A Classic Car lover?

Seeing People is an invitation to really experience the diversity of expression, gesture and behaviour.

Thanks for reading.

“Photography gives you the opportunity to use your sensibility and everything you are to say something about and be part of the world around you. In this way, you might discover who you are, and with a little luck, you might discover something much larger than yourself”.

Peter Lindbergh

Using Format