Street Photography

Street Photography.

I hate labels

Photography is exactly that - creating images.

So creating image while out for a walk is an opportunity to engage with life and be open to the possibility of being surprised, delighted, confronted by the expression of life.

This means people.

The Environment.

The culture of a place - my neighbourhood is full of Coffee shops.

The Gesture/ Expression in a moment.

The quality and direction of light, how it impacts, where the light is falling.

All of this makes for a huge context inside this label Street Photography.

For me, Street Photography could mean a fashion show. If I see a well dressed person. I will stop them, make a nice compliment and ask if I can make a photo.

So for me, creating images in the streets covers a diverse range of moments, context and engagements.

I go out empty with zero attachment.

Thanks for reading.

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