The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with Kodachrome

  1. Kodachrome Before Argentina

    2019-04-11 23:38:23 UTC

    I leave for South America tomorrow so I thought I would create and practice a few more images with my Kodachrome Simulation today. I really love this Digital Recipe of Kodachrome. I must thank FujiXWeekly for sharing his ideas and experimentation. It has inspired me to create my own Fuji…

  2. Kodachrome - Expressive Colours

    2019-04-10 01:00:07 UTC

    In studying old images shot on Kodachrome, I have to accept that film and digital are two different components. So be it. What is fascinating is how the Fuji Engineers can create such a wonderful digital profile that matches their Films. I still shoot Film as part of my work…

  3. Kodchrome - A New Love Affair

    2019-04-09 16:32:29 UTC

    I have no doubt in my mind, if Kodachrome film was available today I would be shooting roll after roll. I am so happy that it is possible to create a digital version of the Kodachrome look in camera on my X100T. I must give credit to Fujixweekly. This kind…

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