The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with Monochrome

  1. Colour Vision

    2022-05-26 18:23:28 UTC

    Black & White is a compelling and dramatic element to image creation. I know this to be true because 20th Century History was documented this way long before Colour was accepted. The World has been full of Colour long before the very first exposure and yet Colour Photography was frowned…

  2. Monochrome Vision

    2022-05-25 14:57:42 UTC

    This has been a very educational process. I recently watched a few Videos on Black & White Photography. They all offered up different, subjective points pf view. I appreciated the point of view by Alan Schaller; “Shoot Black & White on Purpose”. This advise goes against what I have been…

  3. On Going Study

    2022-05-22 09:44:24 UTC

    I am sticking with this study as part of my ongoing workflow. I appreciate the visual impact the different shades of grey can have on a moment. I recently picked up a copy of 52 Assignments - Black & White by Brian Lloyd Duckett. The 1st Assignment is all about…

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