The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with expansion

  1. FV | The Bigger Picture

    2023-01-19 14:22:42 UTC

    Fresh Vision for 2023 is all about seeing the bigger picture. Allow me to share what this means to me. My Subject Matter has become Space. My Vision has become much more in tune with the space around me. The Space and the Background is now my broader and wider…

  2. 2020 Vision | Expansion & Feeling

    2020-04-22 13:43:40 UTC

    The Fuji XF14mm F2.8 is spectacular. Along with the XF23mm/35mm/56mm and 90mm it has become my favourite Lens. What’s interesting is this Lens is a Wide Angle which is normally associated with Landscape. Of late, due to its close focussing attributes, this has become a great tool for Close up…

  3. 2020 Vision

    2020-04-22 09:14:06 UTC

    Got up early today and while enjoying my morning Coffee, I did q quick curation of a few images and created a new context around them. 2020 Vision is a phrase we all know; perfect vision as I understand it. Yes a play on words and relevant right now. This…

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