The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with iso

  1. X-System | Night Light

    2022-02-08 23:20:51 UTC

    This is different to long exposure. It’s all about seeking the spot of light. The fast Lens lives for this moment. The Light at Night reveals its colourful colourful expression. Embracing the grain adds texture. The interplay between light and dark reveals energy and stillness. The story begins wherever the…

  2. The Light At Night

    2021-10-28 21:03:50 UTC

    I have taken on a project of creating images at night. Low Light High ISO - 1600 upwards. Shooting at 1.4 with my XF23mm. Once the clocks go back one hour, it means it will be dark by 16:00pm. That’s early afternoon here and the days not over….yet. This means…

  3. Practicing In The Dark

    2018-10-20 20:25:14 UTC

    My first passion in life is Magic. I have been a student since 1974. Sleight of Hand is my dharma. As a young boy I was obsessed. I practiced like there was no tomorrow. I even practiced in the dark. Lights off, sometimes I would cover my eyes just so…

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