The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with normal

  1. R&G | 33mm

    2024-05-02 20:35:04 UTC

    Back to 33mm again. The Viltrox 33mm is an excellent Lens. I enjoy using it. The images render with pleasing impact. My preference is to use this Lens in full manual mode along with my camera all settings, fully manual. This is because in Aperture priority, I notice my exposure…

  2. X-System | Seeing Normal

    2022-03-08 17:47:54 UTC

    The 50mm is a classic Lens - no question about it. I have documented my thoughts about this standard Lens and field of view somewhere on this site. If you have been following my Journal and musings, you will know about my wonky field of view. The Nifty 50 to…

  3. 2020 Vision | The Closer I Get To You

    2020-09-11 21:51:50 UTC

    It has only taken me seven years. That long to understand something very important about how I see. Because I see out of one eye, my vision is wonky. With one eye closed, my field of view is 18mm - 28mm full frame 35mm equivalent. So that’s my “normal wide…

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