The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with observation

  1. Humaism | The Human Narrative

    2022-11-14 23:08:21 UTC

    Humanism in Photography carries an important question, “what is happening right now”? Observing and interpreting what is happening allows the scene to unfold whilst being ready to seize the moment. The human narrative is a complex web of mystery, drama, intrigue and emotional content. Humanism in Photography is the highest…

  2. Feeling Life

    2022-08-18 09:52:20 UTC

    I don’t think for one minute we are born into this context of life to live in a state of desperation. Yes, our instincts is to survive, by any means and resources at our disposal. I just feel there is a big missing in this reality. We have lost the…

  3. Seeing People | My New Project

    2022-07-22 09:18:37 UTC

    Welcome to my new Project. Seeing People is my vision for the next few weeks. Its all about observation, being invisible and not disturbing the moment. This means I am choosing the Telephoto Lens, specifically my XF 90mm. The 90mm is a perfect optics; 90mm on my Fuji equals 135mm…

  4. 2020 Vision | Observation & Connections

    2020-04-25 15:22:13 UTC

    Creating images is much more than manipulating a fancy camera. Some days, I walk and come home having created a few images that just don’t inspire me. This bothered me for a while. I realised that walking and snapping away at anything and everything just wasn’t Photography. Photography is all…

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