The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with off

  1. 2020 Vision | Light Source

    2020-11-19 20:32:54 UTC

    Panting with Light has be the original craft. The Camera is almost 200 years old. Let there be light 💡 It only took a few billion years before man caught up. This magical box is miraculous - it can capture and hold onto a beam of Light at 1/8000 of…

  2. The Next Decade - 2020

    2020-01-30 15:28:56 UTC

    As I reflect on this last month of this new decade, I can see one conversation that has been a constant; my Mother. As her Dementia attempts to grip her memories tightly, I stand guard and keep my dearest mum active and engaged in life. She has become my photographic…

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