The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with storytelling

  1. Storytelling Vision

    2024-04-14 20:22:10 UTC

    When I see through the eyes of my stunning Lens, The XF 10-24mm F4 l, my neighbourhood takes on an expansive vision. The Wide Angles does that. It forces me to see the whole world through a deep and wide narrative. This way of seeing and documenting is about telling…

  2. F22 | Epicscape

    2022-08-17 20:25:32 UTC

    I don’t consider myself a Landscape Photographer. I live in the London suburb of Maida Vale. If I lived anywhere remotely close to Hills, Valleys and Mountains,I would be up at the crack of dawn to catch the morning light. Having said that, I have studied the work of great…

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