Storytelling Vision

When I see through the eyes of my stunning Lens, The XF 10-24mm F4 l, my neighbourhood takes on an expansive vision.

The Wide Angles does that.

It forces me to see the whole world through a deep and wide narrative.

This way of seeing and documenting is about telling a story.

The context for the story begins with an open statement.

The foreground interest is what sets the stage.

The middle ground information fits the scenery and the final background is all part of the visual story; my neighbourhood, bicycles, pedestrians & life.

As an optics for shooting interiors, the XF10-24mm F4 is perfect. Same rules apply regarding telling a story about the interior environment.

All I can say is, I love this Lens, I love what it can do and it’s a perfect companion for Travel Documentary.

Thanks for reading

“The Wide Angle allows me to see deeper”

Michael Vincent

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