Training My Vision

Learning the vision of a Wide Angle Lens has become a very important part of my Photographic development.

Zoom Lens and Telephoto optics are great when required; subject matter dictates their best expression.

The Wide Angle is a beautiful expressive Lens for telling stories.

I have documented many times how much I love the 28mm. Today, I paired my X-Pro 1 with the XF10-24mm F4.

This Lens is a masterpiece optical magic.

Using this Lens forces me to see the whole Frame; it means asking questions about the whole environment in front of me.

As a Portrait Lens, I use it to capture the full length of my subject. This image of my friend Em was captured at 14mm.

The XF10-24 covers, 10mm, 14mm, 18mm, 20mm & 24mm. In Full Frame terms, thats a 15-36mm Lens - this is perfect.

My work flow is very simple:

I shoot Raw

F8-F22 as required.

Shutter Speed - 1/250 or faster depending on subject.

ISO - Sometimes Auto 200-3200

other times I will adjust ISO when shooting on a tripod for Long Exposure.

White Balance - Kelvin 5000

The results are wonderful.

The X-Pro 1 files edit beautifully in Lightroom.

I love this Lens because it gives me the classic 35mm field of view so I normally set it to 24/35mm and leave it; I can now shoot Street Photography with context at F8.

The Depth of Field is superb at F8.

When using this Lens, my visions seeks out the deeper narrative.

I see multiple layers.

Thanks for reading.

Using Format