The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with equanimity

  1. EDC | Peace, Stillness & Equanimity

    2022-08-15 16:11:59 UTC

    I am using my X-Pro 1 as my everyday Camera right now. I am enjoying it because it is forcing me to slow down. Slowing down means I can be still enough to be at peace. Being Still provides a space for Acceptance. Acceptance is the access to Peace. Peace…

  2. Wednesday Respite

    2022-04-14 20:11:22 UTC

    Being a Carer is a tough gig - its not for sissies. To be willing to be responsible for another human being is the highest honour. I fail everyday at some point of duty. I do it because it all on me - its my loving duty. This is my…

  3. My Secret Garden

    2021-09-18 13:45:34 UTC

    I found a special place where I like to go and be totally still. This is my Secret Garden. A place like this is full of spiritual energy. Just walking this trail of mystery invites curiosity and a feeling of adventure. A Secret Garden is exactly that, a Secret, not…

  4. 2020 Vision | Finding Joy

    2020-05-23 23:46:18 UTC

    I am 56 years old. I look in the mirror now and see Morgan Freeman’s love child staring back at me. At this stage of my life with all the global Pandemic drive people nuts, I am asking big questions of myself. I have achieved everything I set my heart…

  5. 2020 Vision | Equanimity

    2020-05-11 16:36:27 UTC

    How can we find Peace, Solace, Serenity and Access Happiness during this Pandemic? What is your relationship to Dirty Dishes, Broken Bottles or Soap Bubbles? Stop and think for a minute. As I washed my Dishes this morning, I felt nothing. I saw broken bottles out in the street shortly…

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