The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with seeing

  1. Looking, Seeing & Vision

    2019-08-08 22:21:11 UTC

    The Vision of My LensThe Fuji Lens line up is truly fantastic. Light, agile and sharp beyond belief.I really love the XF 18-135mm - it was part of my XT1 as a kit. I have traveled the world with it and created some memorable moments. The debate between Prime Lens…

  2. See, Feel & Create

    2019-03-26 18:14:18 UTC

    I saw the potential for this shot yesterday. It was early evening. Time for The Blue Hour. The light was good enough to hand hold my camera and create a sharp image. A slight underexposed to bring out detail in the office lights. Simple edit in Lightroom and Photoshop and…

  3. Constant Improvement

    2018-12-26 13:20:30 UTC

    I have had problems with my eyes since birth. Short sighted. Coates Disease since on my left eye along with numerous operations. I had an awakening with my photography and field of view. I am right eye dominant which means I do not see the way most people do who…

  4. Seeing Light

    2018-09-17 12:08:46 UTC

    It’s a bright day. Mid sun is brilliant on the streets. I am looking for pockets of light in the shadows. Seek, ye shall find. The light of the world is always present. We need the darkness to appreciate its presence. The Light renders the boring and mundane into a…

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