The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with zoom

  1. Deer Hunting In Richmond

    2024-03-30 15:30:08 UTC

    I decided to get up early to go deer hunting.Richmond Park is not far from where I live, and the best way to get there is to catch the overground from Willesden Junction. I’m about 40 minutes north from Richmond and it was a very easy journey. I really like…

  2. 24-70mm

    2022-09-06 13:27:03 UTC

    The Fuji 16-55mm F2.8 is the X-System version of the classic 24-70mm F2.8 I love this Zoom Lens from both Fuji & Nikon - it is a fantastic tool for expressive, immersive imagery. At 16/24mm, you must get close. Foreground interest sets the tone for the visual conversation. 24 to…

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