The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with 35mm

  1. Late Night Vision

    2023-09-20 23:47:23 UTC

    As the light levels begins to drop, the remaining light becomes precious. Daylight gives way to the man made. The vision at night becomes a quest to find the light source. Focus & Clarity is everything, or is it? Seeing the light is the magic. No matter the time of…

  2. The Spirit of Adventure

    2023-09-11 11:06:29 UTC

    Getting on a train for a day out of London is all part of my adventurous spirit. My photography on such a day begins the moment I arrive at the station. This sets the context for the journey. I love the contrast of departure and arriving at my destination. The…

  3. RV | 40mm Framing

    2023-09-07 10:23:29 UTC

    Refining my vision today has been all about the 40mm Frame. Composition, Framing, Addition & Subtraction. I had a meet up with my friend Krishnan today. I knew I wanted to test the 40mm Frame as a Portrait Lens. The Lens did not disappoint. For Street photography in Oxford Circus,…

  4. Portrait Ready

    2023-08-26 18:03:58 UTC

    I never leave home without my Camera. It doesn’t matter if it’s the XT1 or my Nikon D700. The most important aspect is my choice of Lens. My choice of Lens must cover all the areas of subjects I find most interesting. I need a Wide Angle, Normal & Telephoto…

  5. Tamworth

    2023-07-31 21:31:09 UTC

    Over the last weekend, I attended the Wedding of my friend Simon Lee. He invited me as a guest and entertainer. I presented my show for everyone and created images as I went along. It was a wonderful wedding. As is my normal habit, when I visit a new place,…

  6. 35mm Crop | Standard Vision

    2023-07-30 06:00:50 UTC

    There is a lot to be said for sticking with one Focal Length for a period of time. Since returning from Amsterdam, I have used my 50mm. I really like it, so much so, I was considering the Sigma 50mm Art Lens 1.4. I realised if I used my Sigma…

  7. Visions of Amsterdam

    2023-07-26 08:37:20 UTC

    My journey to Amsterdam began with me documenting images the moment I arrived at my train station. It was an early start and get, the morning light greeted me warmly. With few people about, it meant a still and quiet frame. It’s an easy journey to St.Pancras, just difficult with…

  8. A Visit To Grantham

    2023-04-06 15:16:50 UTC

    There nothing quite like a Train Journey out of London for a few days. It’s short enough not to drag out and long enough to feel complete. My Trip to Grantham was to visit my friend Heather. She is one of my oldest friends and our relationship has endured for…

  9. The Light of Spring

    2023-03-27 14:05:11 UTC

    The clocks went backwards by one hour over the weekend. This disruption to our sleep pattern has made no difference because the clouds on Sunday morning was a blanket smog of nasty grey. That was yesterday. This morning, I was greeted with with the Light of Spring. Oh glorious spring…

  10. 18 & 35

    2023-02-25 11:38:28 UTC

    This is my current set-up for everyday Photography. I love it. The XF18mm F2 on my X-T1 is my primary Camera. My second X-T1 is paired with the 35mm 1.4. This set-up feels correct; authentic and organic to my vision and my shooting style. Seeing Wide at 18mm and Long…

  11. A Frame Worthy Day

    2023-02-13 19:41:35 UTC

    Worthy moments are everywhere. This is my belief. I don’t always see them, however, I am training myself to be open to these possibilities. I keep my mind and heart open simply because it allows me to be free in the moment when I see a potential narrative. A potential…

  12. FV | The Bigger Picture

    2023-01-19 14:22:42 UTC

    Fresh Vision for 2023 is all about seeing the bigger picture. Allow me to share what this means to me. My Subject Matter has become Space. My Vision has become much more in tune with the space around me. The Space and the Background is now my broader and wider…

  13. FV | Party Time

    2023-01-06 23:42:59 UTC

    I met Paul Atherton just before Christmas. I really enjoyed his company. He invited me to his after Christmas Party and it was great fun. A very nice mix of people showed up. As always I had my Camera with me to document the event. I learnt a few things…

  14. FV | Standard Vision ?

    2023-01-06 08:03:02 UTC

    The 50mm Lens is a wonderful optics. It sets the standard for everything in my Photography. While this is not my natural vision and field of view, I do appreciate the skill involved to make this field of view work in harmony with the 35mm Frame. I am choosing my…

  15. FV | XF 23mm 1.4 - A Fuji Masterpiece

    2023-01-04 23:44:35 UTC

    The 35mm Frame is a gorgeous Canvass to work on. In my mind, the 35mm Frame and The 35mm Lens is a perfect partnership for creating images. This combination cannot be beaten simply because they have been designed to work together in symbiotic harmony. Yes, it is a Wide Frame…

  16. The Paddington Basin

    2022-08-22 22:34:55 UTC

    My mother is now in her fourth week at St Mary’s Hospital. I visit her everyday; with a minimum of two visits. This means she sees me and feels my presence inspite of being in a strange environment. The Hospital is a 20 minute walk from my home. The Number…

  17. 35mm | Seeing The Possibility

    2022-08-17 10:35:12 UTC

    Being ready is imperative to capturing a great moment. The only way this can happen is if my mind is open to life. Being open to life means being receptive and responsive without conscious thought. This mean knowing my Camera settings impeccably well. Life is happening 24/7. Being attentive to…

  18. Life on The Canal

    2022-08-15 09:36:15 UTC

    How we choose to lives and express ourselves is a creative process, None more so than choosing to live on a Canal Boat or Barge. The Grand Union Canal is the backdrop to an extraordinary vision of creative expression. This part of London, Little Venice is a beautiful location and…

  19. 35mm CF | 14mm Epic Frame

    2022-08-09 15:46:10 UTC

    By now, you will know how much I love the Classic Frame of 35mm and its matching optics. The slightly Wider Frame of 28mm is my natural visual expression. 28mm & 35mm are very close to each other so my choice in using one over the other comes down to…

  20. 35mm CF | Paddington Basin

    2022-08-06 21:21:31 UTC

    The Paddington Basin has become a spectacular site and playground. The regeneration has made it a very fashionable place to live, work, relax and for me, create images. This is where The Grand Union Canal ends or begins depending on where you live. This long snaking Canal cuts through the…

  21. 35mm CF | A Little Piece of Heaven

    2022-08-04 09:45:57 UTC

    Learning to appreciate what we already have is a required skill right now. The information age has completely rewired our brains. This is the age of unlimited pattern interruptions, Dopamine Hits, excessive consumption and instant gratification. With my mother in hospital, holding onto life, I ask myself, “what is the…

  22. 35mm CF | X100F - Same Frame

    2022-08-03 21:57:55 UTC

    The X100 Series is a remarkable achievement by Fuji Film. Its 10 years since the original caused a sensation. I came into The Fuji Film Eco System around 2014 with the X100T. The T being the third iteration - I loved that Camera, I documented my trip to South Korea…

  23. 35mm | Self Discovery

    2022-08-03 08:26:05 UTC

    I am am still on this journey of uncovering my Photographic Identity. Joel Meyerowitz brought this to my attention on his online course with Masters of Photography. Identity, Subject, Self Expression, Hunter, Observer, Candid, Spray & Pray, its a long list of approaches. Who am I in all this? My…

  24. 35mm CF| Framing

    2022-08-02 10:20:25 UTC

    The Wide Frame and context of the Classic Frame means more real estate to control. What is left in or cropped out is an important consideration. I am training myself to see the 35mm subject. I don’t like wasting my pixels - cropping after the fact is like killing my…

  25. 35mm | Old & New

    2022-08-01 07:33:04 UTC

    This apartment building looks like it has seen better days. This is where I played as a boy. People still live here. You cannot ignore the derelict condition. Across the road is a new vision. It looks like a different part of London - a more affluent setting for urban…

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