The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. The Joy of Seeing | Identity

    April 12, 2021
    All of my images during this Lockdown have been created close to home. I walk the same route most days, I see the same buildings, people, community and create the same images. Or are they? I have been speculating on this; yes, I see the same subjects and yet, I…

  2. The Joy of Seeing | Gesture Moment

    April 7, 2021
    This moment took me. Not the Man on a Bike. The gesture in the shape of his body. I didn’t really think. I knew it meant something to me. I created this image a few days ago. It gave me time to ponder my feelings and response. The emotional energy…

  3. The Joy Seeing | Connections

    April 3, 2021
    I respond very quickly on the streets. When something catches my eye…it’s done. Such was the case with this moment. I shared this image on my Instagram feed. One of my followers is a friend of the gentleman on his bike. We connected through the various comments regarding this image.…

  4. Joy of Seeing | Light, Colour & Gesture

    April 2, 2021
    This contemplation is about being receptive and keeping my heart open to something truly profound. Three things keep me focused: Colour The Light The Energy in the Expression - The Gesture. The Gesture is the glue that binds the moment into a compelling narrative. This Energy can be a Skateboarder…

  5. The Joy of Seeing | Being Open

    April 1, 2021
    The Joy of Seeing; once I started this contemplation, I knew on a gut level I would have to embrace everything. I knew I would need to be totally committed with zero attachment to what showed up. Recently, it’s been dirty face mask left on the side walk. This morning,…

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