The Adventures of Michael Vincent
Responding To The Call of Light
October 25, 2018
From Sunrise to Sunset, she makes her presence felt.
No two days are the same.
The Light can be so different to the next and yet, I surrender to her mood.
I sensed a playful mood in the light today which made for some interesting moments. Standing in the middle…
Twilight Years
October 23, 2018
Everyday is a blessing.
How many heart beats left?
Stupid question.
My only job is to make her heart skip a beat with pride and joy.
A trip to The Hairdresser inspired this image.
A magical expression.
Gorgeous hairstyle
Big thanks to Darren
Full of Surprise
October 23, 2018
London continues to surprise and delight me.
I met with a client today, a very charming gentleman.
It was right in the heart of Lincoln’s Inn Field.
It was magical.
It felt like I had stepped into the world of Harry Potter.
My client told me this part of London…
Quite Dignity
October 23, 2018
This moment was a perfect end to my day.
This is James, a Busker I met on Baker Street Underground.
He brought his Saxophone to life.
He gave me a happy reminder of my days when my hearing was good and enjoyed the sweet sounds of Grover Washington Jnr -…
Practicing In The Dark
October 20, 2018
My first passion in life is Magic.
I have been a student since 1974. Sleight of Hand is my dharma.
As a young boy I was obsessed.
I practiced like there was no tomorrow.
I even practiced in the dark.
Lights off, sometimes I would cover my eyes just so…