The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. 35mm CF | Layers Part 2

    2022-07-31 12:56:05 UTC
    From the moment I got off the Bus, I started to see it; multiple subjects and stories. It has always been there - I have always seen it. What’s interesting is I was not aware of this context; Shooting in Layers. My Camera is set to give me good depth…

  2. 35mm -CF | Layers

    2022-07-31 07:31:41 UTC
    Layers. Multiple elements within the Frame. This is my next study - seeing deeply into the visual narrative. The Classic Frame and its complimentary 35mm Lens has opened my eyes, literally. The Frame is wide - enough, to accommodate a complex, chaotic narrative. This means being responsible for what I…

  3. 35mm CF | Architecture

    2022-07-30 19:56:54 UTC
    This image speaks volumes about the versatility of the Classic Frame. I don’t consider myself an Architectural Photographer. I do appreciate the aesthetics, lines and formation. As an Image Creator, I just felt it important to be competent and effective with my Camera. This means no subject is off limits…

  4. 35mm Classic Frame

    2022-07-30 17:13:01 UTC
    The Classic Frame of 35mm is the perfect Canvass. If I could start my photographic journey again, I would stick with this and nothing else for a year. My thinking is based on how my eyes work. I see wide so between 28mm and 50mm, the classic frame of 35mm…

  5. 35mm CF | Creating The Frame

    2022-07-29 20:57:06 UTC
    Photography is about creating an images. It’s much more significant than being a trigger happy “snapper”. Vision, seeing the potential for an image and working the scene is part of the creative processes. This image is a simple example. The lady standing still. The gentleman in full stride providing contrast…

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