The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Immersive Image Creation

    2022-09-03 20:16:23 UTC
    I am experiencing a shift in my creation of images. This features everything I have learnt over the last 9 Years. Street Photography is such a dynamic expression. It demands so much from me; the number one core skill is a fearless get the shot spirit and mind set. I…

  2. Carnival 2022 | Final Thoughts

    2022-09-02 15:27:28 UTC
    The joy of Carnival 2022 is a tribute to the people who came with one intention; to celebrate. It was astonishing to see normal people behind their stalls preparing food and sharing their joy of Caribbean Culture. People cued up patiently in order to partake in the experience. The atmosphere…

  3. Sleeping Beauty

    2022-09-01 11:14:55 UTC
    How many times did I close my eyes and she watched over me as I slept peacefully? She sleeps now with me as the silent watchful guardian. My life has become profoundly empty. The space of nothing can never be filled with anything external. I could allow myself the self…

  4. On Going Study | Back to 50

    2022-08-31 19:27:24 UTC
    After Carnival weekend, I have decided to just roll with life, take it easy and just create images with the utmost simplicity. This is my set-up; the magnificent D700 paired with the equally stunning 50mm 1.4G I am using this set-up because I am consolidating my compositional skills, framing, working…

  5. Carnival 2022 | People Vibes

    2022-08-31 06:48:45 UTC
    Carnival 2022 with be remembered by me for the people I met and interacted with. The image above got created out of an engaging dialogue; the young man on the right saw me approaching and said “yo man, why so many people walking about with cameras”? That was it, the…

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