The Adventures of Michael Vincent
2020 Vision | Silence
December 17, 2020
Self Portrait Day 7-Silence:
It has been a quiet year.
This has gone beyond me being deaf.
I have noticed, I haven’t spoken much.
Very little conversations with others.
Finger typing is not the same.
To fill the atmosphere with the sound of my voice is an empty and meaningless…
2020 Vision | Identity
December 17, 2020
“O would some power the giftie gie us to see ourselves as others see us”. Robbie Burns
This famous qoute by Robbie Burns could easily apply to the non judgemental operation of a camera.
The Camera and Lens has no opinion about you or me.
If we could really see…
2020 Vision | Self Portrait
December 15, 2020
The lockdown has me enjoying this time more than I expected.
I have been studying Light, specifically the Light from my Studio Strobe.
In Layman’s terms Off-Camera Flash.
My Set-Up couldn’t be simpler.
One Speedlight
One Light Stand
One Umbrella SOFTBOX
One Wireless Trigger for the Flash and a Remote…
2020 Vision | Seeing Myself
December 11, 2020
Self Portrait Day 3:
Today my message is about self acceptance.
My camera will not lie to me, so why should I lie to myself.
Ali said “Black is Beautiful”.
Being mixed race allows me the opportunity to extolle the virtues of being a beautiful shade of cafe latte brown.…
2020 VISION | Selfie
December 9, 2020
The Camera doesn’t lie.
It has no opinion.
It has no feelings to express.
It’s only job, is to harness the Light and what ever the Light illuminates.
In testing my strobes today, I wanted to see how my camera responds to the various lighting patterns.
I was the subject…