The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. EDC | Peace, Stillness & Equanimity

    August 15, 2022
    I am using my X-Pro 1 as my everyday Camera right now. I am enjoying it because it is forcing me to slow down. Slowing down means I can be still enough to be at peace. Being Still provides a space for Acceptance. Acceptance is the access to Peace. Peace…

  2. Life on The Canal

    August 15, 2022
    How we choose to lives and express ourselves is a creative process, None more so than choosing to live on a Canal Boat or Barge. The Grand Union Canal is the backdrop to an extraordinary vision of creative expression. This part of London, Little Venice is a beautiful location and…

  3. X-Pro 1 | My EDC

    August 13, 2022
    If you have read my Journal entries, you will have noticed one core thing about my photographic education; I like testing my skill with different options. This year, I was blown away by The Nikon D700, for one reason only…..IMAGE QUALITY. In a recent Journal Entry, I did an image…

  4. Light & Life

    August 13, 2022
    I was pausing for a moment. Thinking; What shall I call this Journal Entry? I took a quick look at the images I created and felt “Light & Life”. Light & Life have a relationship. Life has flourished because of the life sustaining power of…….our always on Sun🌞. The Sun…

  5. Beautiful Life

    August 11, 2022
    As I watch my mother in hospital, at no time do I feel resentful towards this experience I am having. Life has presented me with an opportunity to dig deeper into this human narrative and seek out the beauty in this reality…..sad as it is. Let’s go back in time.…

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